Is Your Washroom Hurting Your Business's Reputation?

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With today’s job market fierce, retaining staff has become even more crucial for many businesses. While the standard of facilities provided to employees is crucial, washrooms are often overlooked. However, it is essential to understand how the hygiene and quality of washrooms can impact staff well-being, job satisfaction, and ultimately, your business's reputation.

Many factors contribute to shaping a company's image and one often overlooked aspect is hygiene. While it may seem like a minor and given consideration, the cleanliness and hygiene standards within a business significantly impact its reputation. As social value credentials continue to climb the list of priorities for job seekers, employers can no longer provide the bare minimum for employee health and well-being. An office washroom is one of the most utilised areas of any commercial building, so can easily become contaminated with harmful germs. Maintaining high hygiene standards will improve the perceptions of a company for both employees and customers.

First impressions count

For businesses that cater to clients, the washroom reflects how much they value their customers. The washroom often can be someone’s first encounter with a business. This is particularly key in hospitality venues, as the cleanliness of a washroom is often associated with the hygiene standards of kitchens and the entire business. Maintaining high standards in restrooms will put customers and clients at ease regarding the overall operations of the business and convey a sense of professionalism. Research shows that our sense of smell has a profound role in connecting us to memories. A long-lasting air freshener will create a good first impression, providing a pleasant scent to enhance a successful business reputation. Eco-friendly options such as battery-free air fresheners will contribute to a great first impression by providing a testament to your sustainability initiatives. The standard of cleanliness and quality of hygiene products in washrooms also displays an employer’s care for staff and creates an image of how they value workers’ well-being.

It’s not all about the image

Maintaining proper hygiene standards is not just about appearances; it is also crucial for the health and safety of both customers and employees. Poorly maintained and unhygienic restrooms will also have a direct impact on the morale and health of employees and create discomfort in the workplace. Subsequently, this can have a knock-on effect on an individual’s mental health and not just physical health, as cleanliness has been proven to calm anxiety. Hygiene in the washroom should go beyond superficial cleanliness and appearance and extend to the health, safety, and genuine care of employees' or customers' comfort.

High traffic areas

In high-traffic areas, soap is bound to regularly run out. It is vital to ensure this is not a regular occurrence, as hand hygiene is fundamental to the prevention of any illnesses. The Centre for Disease Control estimates that up to 80% of all infections are transmitted by hand, so having frequently replenished stocks means that absenteeism of staff will be reduced. Automatic dispensers dispense the optimum amount of soap for protection from infection, which prevents waste and the need to constantly re-stock. To maximise protection from infections transmitted by hands, hand sanitiser should also be a key component of washroom facilities in any business. A well-stocked bathroom not only makes life easier for the user but makes it easier to keep the space clean. Automatic dispensers for soap, sanitiser and hygiene papers mean touchpoints become fewer or get eliminated completely and therefore, the bathroom is easier to keep clean.

By prioritising hygiene, businesses can create a positive first impression, build trust among customers, comply with regulations, and foster a productive work environment. Ultimately, investing in hygiene is an investment in the long-term success and reputation of a business. Even if people don't consciously recognise the link, they will subconsciously see washroom cleanliness as a reflection of every area of a business. When a washroom shines, your business will shine too.

Satino by WEPA is one of the leading suppliers of sustainable hygiene products, offering tailored-to-fit solutions for businesses of all sizes and scopes. Follow us on LinkedIn or, for more tips on maintaining high hygiene standards in your business facility, visit our hospitality services page.




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